Traditional Diets During Monsoon – The Indian Diet
During the monsoon season, Ayurveda recommends specific dietary adjustments to maintain balance and health.
Traditional Diets During Monsoon – The Indian Diet Read More »
During the monsoon season, Ayurveda recommends specific dietary adjustments to maintain balance and health.
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Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral illness caused by the dengue virus. It is transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, notably Aedes aegypti. It is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. There is a time tested Ayurvedic Cure for Dengue Fever.
Time Tested Ayurvedic Cure for Dengue Fever Read More »
Kapha binds the body while Vayu propels prana through the body and Pitta transforms matter from one state to another maintaining a healthy immunity. Kapha – a sturdy body equation, provides structure and robustness to all things and gives the cohesiveness needed to maintain a particular form. It is composed out of earth and water
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What is Vata Dosha? Vayu is one of the 5 elements of nature. Vayu is necessary. It causes movement. Its absence causes death. Without Vayu everything will be still. However, the quantity of it that must operate in the body must be harmonious.When Vayu becomes unstable, it causes erratic displacement of matter. Vayu when unstable is
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Ayurveda is a natural science that has matured over the ages. It transcends time. By natural science, we mean that it follows the laws of nature and having understood nature, the seers have exposed how nature maintains itself and how, we too can maintain our body, mind and all other faculties in the highest and
What causes diseases – Ayurveda Wisdom Read More »
Physical activity is necessary to optimise the use of Prana. Your body is meant to walk, run, pull, push, sit, stand, bend, twist, stretch and cringe. All this and more is what your body is capable of doing and you must use your body to stay healthy. A well used body is a healthy body.
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Water is essential for the body. It quenches our thirst. But, how does water help besides the fact that it feels good drinking water! Did you know that water helps flush toxins out from your blood? Why must we consume water and when and how and how much? This is a science that Ayurveda scientists
How much water is good for you? Read More »
Eating right and at the right time is very important. It helps prepare your body maintain it’s immunity. With good immunity your body can withstand any virus or bacteria. Eating right and eating at the right time are two different aspects of your health. You can simply eat right and stay healthy. Eating right You
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Your throat is an important part of your body that need protection. The throat provides actions of swallowing. It also contains the epiglottis which helps us swallow with ease, gulp water as well as breathe. The throat comprises of the tongue, hard palate, soft palate, tonsils, epiglottis, the food pipe and the wind pipe. It
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Your nose is one of the sense organs of your body which directly interacts with the environment. Nostrils are connected with your eyes as well as your throat. As we breathe, we take in millions of bacteria and viruses everyday. Our body’s immune system interacts with these bacteria and viruses and prepares its defence systems
Protect your eyes and nose with Ayurveda Read More »