Learn the way to Good Health
Ayurveda is natural and matured way of living. It transcends time. By natural way of living, we mean that it follows the laws of nature and having understood nature, the seers have exposed how nature maintains itself and how, we too can maintain our body, mind and all other faculties as close to being natural as possible.
Swastha Vrittam: The Path to Holistic Health
In the ancient system of Ayurveda, Swastha Vrittam refers to the principles and practices for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Derived from the Sanskrit words “Swastha” (health or being in one’s natural state) and “Vrittam” (routine or regimen), Swastha Vrittam encompasses preventive measures, daily routines, and seasonal practices to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual harmony. Unlike modern medicine, which often focuses on treating diseases, Swastha Vrittam emphasizes prevention and sustainable health through balance and awareness.
The Foundations of Swastha Vrittam
Swastha Vrittam is deeply rooted in Ayurveda’s holistic philosophy, which views health as the harmonious functioning of the sharira (body), manas (the plane of awareness where thinking and feelings occur), and atma (soul). To maintain this balance, it advocates specific regimens, including:
- Dinacharya (Daily Routines): Simple yet disciplined habits like waking up early, performing oral hygiene, practicing yoga or exercise, and consuming freshly prepared, balanced meals tailored to your dosha (body constitution) and varna (way of life).
- Ritucharya (Seasonal Routines): Adapting lifestyle and diet to seasonal changes to maintain balance and immunity, such as eating cooling foods in summer or warming foods in winter.
- Ahara (Diet): Emphasis on wholesome, natural, and freshly prepared food that nourishes the body and mind while avoiding processed and stale items.
- Vihara (Lifestyle): Living a life of contribution and learning through life.
Prevention as a Core Principle
The philosophy of Swastha Vrittam places great importance on prevention rather than cure. It believes that diseases arise when there is an imbalance in the body’s three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. By following the principles of Swastha Vrittam, individuals can create a healthy balance of doshas. Practices like detoxification, meditation, pranayama (breath regulation), and herbal therapies are key components of this preventive approach, enabling the body to overcome illnesses.
Mental and Emotional Health in Swastha Vrittam
Ayurveda recognises the strong connection between sharira and manas. Swastha Vrittam encourages mindfulness and emotional stability through meditation, gratitude, and positive living. A calm and focused mind is considered essential for achieving overall health and living a fulfilling life.
The Relevance of Swastha Vrittam Today
In today’s fast-paced, stress-filled world, the principles of Swastha Vrittam are more relevant than ever. Modern lifestyles, dominated by processed foods, sedentary habits, and increasing screen time, have led to a rise in lifestyle diseases like inflammation, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic heart disease. By adopting the time-tested practices of Swastha Vrittam, we can recover from these modern health challenges and live a life that is natural and sustainable well-being.
Simple Steps to Begin Your Swastha Vrittam Journey
- Wake up before sunrise and dedicate time to self-care and mindfulness.
- Follow a balanced diet based on your dosha, varna and seasonal needs.
- Practice yoga or any physical activity daily to enhance flexibility and strength.
- Embrace meditation and pranayama to calm the mind and reduce stress.
- Prioritise good sleep hygiene to recharge the body and mind.
Swastha Vrittam offers a timeless guide to living a healthy and fulfilling life. Its emphasis on prevention, balance, and holistic well-being resonates deeply in a world seeking sustainable health solutions. By embracing these ancient principles, we can come as close to nature as possible and nurture the sharira and manas, and live in harmony, vitality, and peace. Let Swastha Vrittam be your roadmap to a healthier, more mindful life.
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