Inflammation-the cause for many worries

Young people are dying of heart attacks and strokes. The recent occurrence is the death of the co-founder of Epigamia, Late Mr Rohan Mirchandani. Scores of people posting on the internet ask people to wake up. Wake up to what? Inflammation is taking the world by storm and no one seems to know about it.

Researchers are not looking where they need to. They are hell-bent on looking for answers through the lens of modern science and will not look into the ancient texts of Ayurveda, even if it has an ocean of knowledge on inflammation and its effects.

Inflammation is the outcome of trying to override our natural urges. The body expresses certain natural urges such as hunger, thirst, urination, defecation, yawning, belching, sneezing, and sleeping. Most of us disregard these urges, which causes the body to react.

Let us address the most essential urges one by one.

Hunger: When was the last time you ate to satisfy your hunger? Most of us eat out of habit, not to pacify our hunger. Here is a simple test to know whether you are hungry or not.

When you are hungry, your only choice is vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Besides that, you want food. While eating, your focus is only on eating and not on the warmth, taste or aroma of the food you consume. You will never entertain yourself with your gadgets during this time.

Most people are attracted to food because of the colour and aroma of the food. The desire to eat is a way to satisfy our senses. We postpone eating to accomplish our tasks or eat so we don’t feel hungry later.

The eating habit causes inflammation of the stomach and small intestines.

Thirst: Do you drink water to maintain a specific quantity intake or to quench your thirst? Or do you drink water because your mouth is going dry?

Most people drink water because of a habit of maintaining a theoretical water balance. Another reason for drinking water is because the salivary glands, which are inflamed and do not secrete enough saliva, cause the mouth to dry. This results in excess urination. How much water does your body need exactly? Ayurveda has an answer to this too.

Urination: We need to urinate when the urge occurs. Villagers don’t have a problem with this. However, in the cities, we are sophisticated and will withhold our bladder until we find a urinal. We need more clean public urinals to solve this problem.

When you don’t urinate to release the urge, your body develops inflammation in the hips.

Defecation: This is one of the most considerable risks which has gone unnoticed. Constipation and incomplete bowel evacuation are the most enormous problems in the cities.

The problem is eating at inappropriate times, using improper foods and combinations, and eating in excessive quantities. This leads to gas and inflammation in the intestines, directly impacting our lungs, heart and head.

Sleep: Undeniably, this is our third most ignored aspect.

The body begins to hibernate three hours after sunset. Giving into this natural urge maintains good health. However, we believe we are night owls who prefer to work when the world is silent so we can achieve more. Waking up early at 3:00 am dramatically benefits the body and mind.

॥ विद्या तुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा ॥

When you aspire to learn, neither pleasure nor sleep bothers you.

This aphorism is as old as time itself. Yet, we look for answers from a two hundred old sciences. However, the downside of this altered way of living causes inflammation, which, with time, can cause symptoms including those of fatty liver disease, acid reflux and GERD, CKD, ischemic heart disease, Heart attack and stroke.

What do you think was the cause of Late Mr Rohan Mirchandani’s cardiac arrest?

Inflammation is not obesity. Even perfectly healthy-looking people with the best-looking bodies can experience inflammation when they alter their habits, driving their bodies away from their natural urges.

Let us address the most essential urges….