Your nose is one of the sense organs of your body which directly interacts with the environment. Nostrils are connected with your eyes as well as your throat. As we breathe, we take in millions of bacteria and viruses everyday. Our body’s immune system interacts with these bacteria and viruses and prepares its defence systems to fight and convert them into antibodies. This is how all living organisms exist on this earth. So, here are some tips to protect your eyes, nose and throat with Ayurveda.
Protecting your nostrils is extremely important. Ayurveda prescribes application of certain medicated oils. These oils can nourish your blood vessels and nerves. Oils such as Ksheerabala 101 Tailam are used in certain physical health conditions such as bells palsy, paralysis, and also in sleep disorders, snoring, insomnia and psychological disorders. These oils are used as nasal drops.
There are other oils such as Anu Tailam which are used on a daily basis to maintain health of nostrils, eyes, ears, mouth and throat.
As a family, we use Anu Tailam every morning. Our nostrils are clear and unclogged. There is hardly any mucous accumulation in the nostrils.
Put 1-2 drops Anu Tailam into your nostrils the moment you wake up. That is all. Getting these drops once a day is enough to protect your eyes, nose and throat with Ayurveda.
Contraindications for using Anu Tailam Ayurvedic Nasal drops
People who have adenoids can contact their doctor before instilling Anu Tailam nasal drops.