Disposable Toilet Seat Cover


Availability: 985 in stock

SKU: YIUVCFEGJO19865 Category:

Disposable Toilet Seat Cover

We respect women and so we produced the Disposable Toilet Seat Cover. Women in India do not drink water when they head out because they fear contracting the dreaded UTI from using public washrooms.

Low water intake has its downside. It leads to ligament stiffness in the body which may later cause several chronic and severe symptoms, which include neck pain, knee pains, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, kidney stones and urinary incontinence.

Symptoms caused due to low water intake do not show immediately. The human body has a tolerance level of over 40 years. Abuse of the human body is the sole cause of illnesses.

This toilet seat cover helps women use public washrooms safely. It insulates the toilet seat from the body, allowing the user to maintain immunity, good health and hygiene.

Now, women in our country can sigh relief with this Toilet Seat Cover.

Using the Disposable Toilet Seat Cover

The toilet seat cover is simple to use – You have to unfold it, place it on the toilet seat, and flush it after use. It saves you from the dreaded Urinary Tract Infection and other urogenital infections, which can be life-threatening.


Protect yourself and give this protection to the women in your family

Weight 0.050 g
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 cm